A proposito del feroce attentato di Londra del 7 luglio scorso, è ormai quasi evidente che i giovani che si sono "immolati" facevano parte di un "telecommando", ossia di un gruppo eterodiretto, comandato a distanza: forse erano agenti dei servizi segreti reclutati (singolare coincidenza) per la simulazione di un intervento in concomitanza di un atto terroristico; forse erano degli sprovveduti cui, in cambio di una somma più o meno ingente, è stato chiesto di portare con sé quegli zaini contenenti il micidiale esplosivo. In ogni caso non sono stati questi britannici di religione islamica a ideare l'attentato e a perpetrarlo consapevolmente: essi non erano "Kamikaze", ma vittime tra le vittime. Questi studenti e lavoratori, che conducevano una vita normale in una Londra da tempo ormai multietnica, sono stati manipolati da qualcuno più in alto di loro, forse molto in alto. E' qualcuno che tiene il telecomando di un gigantesco schermo per far vedere agli ignari e ingenui cittadini-sudditi solo quello che il Grande Fratello vuole sia percepito e creduto reale.
Qui di seguito sono elencati alcuni brevetti, i famosi "patent" americani sulle nuove invenzioni per il controllo della personalità attraverso i trasponder cerebrali.
A method of conditioning a person's unconscious mind in order to effect a desired change in the person's behavior which does not require the services of a trained therapist. Instead the person to be treated views a program of video pictures appearing on a screen. The program as viewed by the person's unconscious mind acts to condition the person's thought patterns in a manner which alters that person's behavior in a positive way.
SOURCE: Judy Wall, Mike Coyle and Jan Wiesemann. Paranoia Magazine Issue 24 Fall 2000 -Article -'Technology to Your Mind' - By Judy Wall
A combined subliminal and supraliminal message generator for use with a television receiver permits complete control of subliminal messages and their manner of presentation. A video synchronization detector enables a video display generator to generate a video message signal corresponding to a received alphanumeric text message in synchronism with a received television signal. A video mixer selects either the received video signal or the video message signal for output. The messages produced by the video message generator are user selectable via a keyboard input. A message memory stores a plurality of alphanumeric text messages specified by user commands for use as subliminal messages. This message memory preferably includes a read only memory storing predetermined sets of alphanumeric text messages directed to differing topics. The sets of predetermined alphanumeric text messages preferably include several positive affirmations directed to the left brain and an equal number of positive affirmations directed to the right brain that are alternately presented subliminally. The left brain messages are presented in a linear text mode, while the right brain messages are presented in a three dimensional perspective mode. The user can control the length and spacing of the subliminal presentations to accommodate differing conscious thresholds. Alternative embodiments include a combined cable television converter and subliminal message generator, a combine television receiver and subliminal message generator and a computer capable of presenting subliminal messages.
SOURCE: Judy Wall, Mike Coyle and Jan Wiesemann. Paranoia Magazine Issue 24 Fall 2000 -Article -'Technology to Your Mind' - By Judy Wall
Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject's brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.
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